The drilling of diamonds is a challenging technique.
It is very difficult to drill in fractured ground using the diamond drilling technique.
Underground drilling environments can also lead to groundwater. This is a very common problem.
High pressures and high flow rates are common. A aqua guard is an excellent tool to have on hand when you are performing the diamond drilling job.
Aquaguard reduces the amount of water in your system by allowing for you to cross high pressure water inflow areas.
If you’re still unsure whether to use this tool, don’t worry. Let us take a closer look.
The Important Benefits of Using an Aqua Guard in Diamond Drilling Operations
* More Safety
Underground work can be dangerous in certain circumstances. Water can flow from the hole at 600 gallons an hour and 1000 PSI.
Professionals working on the site may also be exposed to extreme temperatures up to 125°F. It is important to ensure that workers are safe.
Core samples can be retrieved from the drill hole. The inner tube assembly could fall or rise uncontrollably.
Increased water flow can lead to slips and falls in mines. This incredible tool will help you increase safety and be considered the best.
* It Helps in Keeping Worksite Clean
Excessive water can enter mines during underground drilling.
Additional water flow can cause erosion which can make the problem even worse. An aqua guard can help you do this.
* It Lowers Downtime and Boosts Drilling Efficiency
Drilling operations can be hampered by high groundwater flows and pressure.
High-pressure water leaking from the drill holes can impact efficiency and time. Sometimes, the entire drilling operation may stop.
Drilling is slowed down or impeded by water logging. The product valve reduces water flow to the drill string when the positive pumping pressure switches off.
This opens the valve, similar to a check valve. This occurs when the innertube has been removed by wireline coring methods. The Aqua guard value will also open once the tube is pumped back into the hole.
* It Aids in Improving Core Recovery In Challenging Environments
Core recovery is difficult when the ground has cracked and contains clay and sand. High pressure issues can cause water to seep out of the borehole.
Due to this, the completion of the hole might be delayed.
This is the End!
Aqua guard is an excellent product which improves drilling performance and makes drilling easier.
Are you still unsure? CA Drillers can help.